Arca Continental

Iniciado por Ernesto Gallegos Vielma, Abr 29, 2024

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Ernesto Gallegos Vielma

At Arca Continental we share a work culture focused on satisfying our clients and consumers. We continually advance to provide you with better product and brand options, at fair prices and with a high quality of service, always seeking to exceed the expectations of the more than 125 million consumers that we serve daily and without interruption in Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina and USA.

As part of our daily effort of transparency and constant communication with our communities, we welcome you to our Internet portal, which allows you to learn about important aspects of our company and its performance, but mainly, it means an open channel to receive comments and suggestions. that enrich our daily work.

We invite you to learn about the initiatives undertaken in our organization to consolidate our leadership position as a more dynamic and flexible company, with greater proximity to our consumers and within a framework of integrity, efficiency and social responsibility.